This DVD format series is a summary of what I’ve discovered from over thirty years of exploration into the area of spiritual search.
I have called it: Going Nowhere – Journey into the Tao
A Beginners Guide to Eastern Spirituality
It is meant to be a useful synopsis, containing information that will help seekers with their own individual search. It is my belief that each person’s learning curve is different and individual to them. I espouse no one particular guru or teaching, but believe that the important thing is for one to find one’s own next personal step.
The spiritual journey is a long one. It did not start in this life and will not end with this life. I believe that the soul is eternal and we tenant a sequence of bodies through many lives. This is the great mystery.
The lecture series arose out of a series of powerful dreams in 2008. It was as though a force was trying to work through me using my mind, my faculties, my existing knowledge and my life, such as it was, to produce something of use to a wider world.
The content of the lectures is as detailed below.