My background
After a career in Hospital Medicine, I retrained as a GP, completing my GP licence requirements in 1994. The 1990s was a time when ‘Alternative Medicine’ was all the rage. Because of my involvement with Meditation and Eastern Spirituality, these therapies were of particular interest to me, and I fancied becoming a part time NHS GP, complimenting this as a part time private GP specialising in knowledge about Complementary and Alternative Medicine. To this end I collected a vast amount of material in the books and articles in GP magazines such as GP, Pulse, Update and the BMJ on the subject. I also did courses in Western Medical Acupuncture, and gave my NHS patients Acupuncture treatments in the GP Premises between 1995 and 1997. A list of the books that I physically have with me are listed in the section called ‘Lorenzo’s Medical Library’. This is a sort of reference library, and can give a prospective client a good idea about my work.
Within a few months of joining the Vineyard Surgery, Richmond, London as a part-timer, I was offered a fulltime partnership, an offer which I could not refuse. Thus followed a most happy 14 years as a full time, clinically focused, singing and dancing GP, in a very nice part of London. My senior partner looked after the business and administrative side of the practice. The practice flourished.
Nobody can say what is around the corner. I found myself profoundly troubled over what my life purpose was really about. Ever since I started training for General Practice in 1991, I wished to become a GP ‘specialising in knowledge of Complementary and Alternative Medicine ( CAM) and the spiritual side of medical practice’. At age 56, I was no longer in need of gainful employment and I was at an age where a new career was still possible. After considerable soul searching I decided to opt for early retirement to focus on a new career around spirituality and the use of my conventional skills to advise on issues on the medicine- spirituality interface.
This has been a time of exploring various issues and subjects of interest to me. In 2012 I completed a DVD lecture series ( Going Nowhere- Journey into The Tao) And in 2014 I published a book – The Art of Letting Go. These years have also allowed me to indulge my interest in observing psychical phenomena such as demonstrations of clairvoyance and mediumship in the London area. I have in fact attended several hundred of these events in the context of London’s many Spiritualist Churches. I have also tried to help all those who sought me out for advice on medical matters.