These books have been acquired over a 20 year period and form a kind of reference library for my present type of work.
The books are arranged in no particular order.
1) Magic or Medicine – An Investigation into Healing.
Dr Robert Buckman & Karl Sabbagh
2) Homoeopathy for Common Ailments Robin Hayfield
3) Home Doctor – Natural Healing with Herbs, Spices and Condiments
Dr P.S. Phadke
4) The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies Vasant Lad
5) The Reader’s Digest Family Guide to Alternative Medicine
6) Mind Matters- Psychological Medicine in Holistic Practice
J.R. Millenson PhD, MRH.
7) The Good Health Handbook Dr Peter Mansfield
8) How to Use Homoeopathy Dr Christopher Hammond
9) The Alternative Health Guide Brian Inglis & Ruth West
10) The Encyclopedia of Chinese Medicine Dr Duo Gao
11) Evolve your Brain – The Science of Changing your Mind
Joe Dispenza DC
12) The Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine and Self Help
Devised and Edited by Malcolm Hulke.
13) Home Herbal A practical guide to making herbal remedies for common ailments
Penelope Ody MNIMH
14) Food , Your Miracle Medicine Jean Carper
15) Healing Foods for Common Ailments Dr Penny Stanway
16) A Cancer Therapy- Diet Therapy for Advanced Cancer
Dr Max Gerson MD
17) Harmony is the Healer – about Flower Therapy, Colour Therapy and other
Forms of Vibrational Medicine Ingrid S. von Rohr.
18) Frontiers of Health- How to heal the whole person. Dr Christine Page.
19) Holistic Menopause- A new approach to midlife change. Judy Hall
20) An Integrative Physician’s Guide to Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
Education, books, equipment and products –AcuMedic Review.2010.
21) Perfect Health- The Complete Mind/Body Guide. Dr Deepak Chopra.
22) Foundations of Health- Healing with Herbs & Foods. Christopher Hobbs.
23) The Bodymind Workbook- Exploring how the mind and body work together
Debbie Shapiro.
24) Prince Wen Hui’s Cook – Chinese Dietary Therapy.
Bob Flaws & Honora Wolfe
25) Written Paths to Healing – Education and Jungian Child Counseling
John Allan & Judi Bertoia
26) Herbs for First Aid and Minor Ailments- Ceres Esplan
27) The Healthy Food Directory Michael Van Straten
28) The Natural Family Doctor- The authoritative self-help guide to health and natural medicine Dr Andrew Stanway.
29) Quantum Healing- Exploring the frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine
Dr Deepak Chopra
30) Ageless Body, Timeless Mind – A practical alternative to growing old
Dr Deepak Chopra
31) The Family Guide to Homoeopathy Dr Andrew Lockie
32) Acupressure for Common Ailments Chris Jarmey & John Tindall
33) Hands of Light. A guide to healing through the human energy field
Barbara Ann Brennan
34) Practical Aromatherapy. A beginner’s guide. Penny Rich
35) Massage for Common Ailments. A beginners guide. Penny Rich
36) Healing through Nutrition. A natural approach to treating illness with diet and nutrients Dr Melvyn R Werbach
37) Complementary Medicine – An Integrated Approach
Dr George Lewith, Dr Julian Kenyon & Dr Peter Lewis.
38) Healing Foods Miriam Polunin
39) Massage for Common Ailments Sara Thomas
40) The Acupuncture Treatment of Pain . Leon Chaitow
41) Doctor’s Dilemmas and decisions Ben Essex
42) Unani- Graeco-Arabic Medicine . Prof Jamil Ahmed & Hakim Ashhar Qadeer.
43) Homeopathy in Primary Care Bob Leckridge.
44) The Doctor’s Book of Home Remedies- Prevention Magazine Health Book .
45) Shiatsu for Beginners. A step by step guide Nigel Dawes.
46) Alternative Medicine. A Guide to Natural Therapies. Dr Andrew Stanway.
47) The Whole Person Catalogue. A source book for the New Age seeker.
Mike Considine.
48) The Holistic Marketing Directory. Mike Considine & Andrew Ferguson.
49) Living while Dying. What to do and say when someone close to you is dying.
Dr Glynn Owens and Freda Naylor.
50) Intimate Death. How the dying teach us to live. Marie de Hennezel.
51) Spiritual Considerations in the prevention, treatment and cure of disease.
Dr Jane Thompson
52) Chinese Herbal Medicine. Stephen Tang & Richard Craze.
53) Yogic Cure for Common Ailments P.S. Bright.
54) Modern Chinese Acupuncture Dr G.T. Lewith and N.R Lewith.
55) Homoeopathy in Practice Dr Douglas Borland
56) Acupuncture. From ancient art to modern medicine. Alexander MacDonald.
57) Ayurveda. The science of Self-Healing. Dr Vasant Lad.
58) Tibetan Secrets of Youth and Vitality. Peter Kelder.
59) Nature Cure for common diseases . Vithaldas Modi.
60) Getting the best for your bad back. Dr Anthony Campbell.
61) Herbs that Heal. Natural remedies for good health. H.K. Bakhru.
62) Vitamins that Heal. Natural immunity for better health. H.K. Bakhru
63) Acupressure Cure for Common Diseases. Dr Keith Kenyon.
64) The Greening of Medicine Dr Patrick Pietroni.
65) Complementary Medicine. New approaches to good practice. BMA.
66) Complementary Medicine. A practical guide. Dr Tanvir Jamil.
66) Supertherapies. Jane Alexander.
67) The Handbook of Complementary Medicine Stephen Fulder.
68) Introduction to Homoeopathic Medicine Dr Hamish Boyd.
69) Food Combining for Health Doris Grant & Jean Joyce.
70) Better Health through Natural Healing. Successful remedies for over 100
Common ailments. Ross Trattler.
71) Nutritional Medicine. A drug free guide to better family health.
Dr Stephen Davies & Dr Alan Stewart.
72) Aromatherapy A complete guide. Julie Sadler.
73) Dictionary of Mind and Body. Donald Watson.
74) Complementary Medicine and Disability . Alternatives for people with
Disabling conditions. Andrew Vickers
75) The Allergy Diet. How to overcome your food intolerance.
Elizabeth Workman, Dr John Hunter & Dr Virginia Alun Jones.
76) The Complete Guide to Food Allergy and Intolerance.
Professor Jonathan Brostoff & Linda Gamlin.
77) Chinese System of Food Cures. Prevention & Remedies Henry C. Lu.
78) Culperrer’s Complete Herbal Nicholas Culpepper.
79) The Simmonite-Culpepper Herbal Remedies W Simmonite & N Cuplepper.
80) The Nature Doctor. A Manual of Traditional and Complementary Medicine.
Dr H.C.A. Vogel.
81) Passage to Power . Natural Menopause Revolution. Leslie Kenton.
82) The Illustrated Herbal Handbook for Everyone. Juliette de Bairacli Levy.
83) Homoeopathy for Doctor and Patient. Michel Aubin & Philippe Picard.
84) Acupressure Techniques A self-help guide. Dr Julian Kenyon.
85) Magic or Medicine. An investigation into healing.
Dr Robert Buckman & Karl Sabbagh.
86) Thorsons Introductory Guide to Kinesiology.
Maggie La Tourelle & Anthea Courtnay.
87) Herbal Remedies for Sexual Problems. Mervyn Mitton.
88) Acupuncture Dr Anthony Campbell.
89) Liberating the Body. Movements that awaken the inner self. Tony Crisp.
90) Reinventing Acupuncture. A new concept of ancient medicine. Dr Felix Mann.
91) Homoeopathic Medicine. A doctor’s guide to remedies for common ailments.
Dr Trevor Smith.
92) Allergic to Food? A self–help guide . Rita Greer.
93) Vitamins and Minerals Handbook. Nature-inspired supplements for optimal
Health and vitality. Amanda Ursell.
94) Psionic Medicine. The study and treatment of causative factors in illness.
J.H. Reyner.
95) Mind over Medicine. Can the mind kill or cure? Robin Blake.
96) Handbook of over-the-counter Herbal Medicines. Penelope Ody.
97) Why people don’t heal and how they can. A practical programme for healing
Body, mind and spirit. Carolyn Myss.
98) Homoeopathic Cure for common diseases Dr Yudvir Singh.
99) The book of Practical Aromatherapy. William Lee & Lynn Lee.
100) Natural Health, Natural Medicine Dr Andrew Weil.
101) Secrets of Indian Medicine. Dr R.S. Agarwal
102) Ayurvedic cure for common diseases. Dr N.A. Murthy & D.P. Pandey .
103) Herbal Medicine . Nina Nissen.
104) Principles of Chinese Herbal Medicine. John Hicks.
105) In Pain? A self-help guide for chronic pain sufferers.
Dr Chris Wells & Graham Nowns.
106)All about Herbal Remedies. Dr Girija Khanna.
107) The Two Faces of Homoeopathy. Dr Anthony Campbell.
108) Homoeopathy- The perfect Prescription. Dr Shirin Wadia.
109) Nature Cure at Home. Dr Rajeshwari.
110) Raw Energy Leslie & Susannah Kenton.
111) Alternative Therapies. G.T. Lewith.
112) The A-Z of Modern Herbalism Simon Mills.
113) Medical Palmistry Dr Eugene Scheimann & Nathaniel Altman.
114) The Green Pharmacy. James A Duke.
115) Hypno health. Robert Farrago.
116) Practical Aromatherapy. Shirley Price.
117) Alternative Health Care for Women. Patsy Westcott.
118)The book of pain relief. Leon Chaitow.
However the most important reference books in my fifteen years in full time general practice are the books that will remain my essential reference guides even in the type of work I am doing now. They include:
1) The Oxford Handbook of General Practice.
2) The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine
3) The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties
4) The Oxford Handbook of Clinical and Laboratory Investigations
5) The British National Formulary
6) General Practice. Simon Cartwright & Carolyn Godlee
7) Lecture Notes on Clinical Medicine. D. Rubenstein & D. Wayne.